The following Private Event Policy will be followed without exception. Any violation will result in the removal of the guest(s) from Bath Iron Works (BIW) property.
All persons entering the shipyard must be U.S. citizens.
All persons entering the shipyard must wear a face covering that covers his/her/their mouth and nose in buildings and tents, on shuttle buses, and on the ship, when not eating or drinking, regardless of vaccination status.
No children under age 5 will be allowed to board the ship; those under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
No large bags, no food or drinks, no weapons, and no pets will be allowed.
No photography will be allowed except in designated areas.
Employees are responsible for the behavior of their guests, and both employees and their guests must remain within the designated walkways.
Employees are responsible for their guests and will not hold BIW liable for any death, injury, illness or loss of property.
For safety purposes, all guests entering BIW will be subject to inspection for items which may cause danger or disruption to the event or other guests, or which are prohibited items under BIW policies. Any guest who declines to be checked may be denied entry to BIW.
BIW may deny entry to or remove any person for any reason.
- Guests will treat others in a courteous manner.
- Guests will not engage in disruptive behavior, including foul or abusive language or obscene gestures.
- Guests will not impede the view of other guests or interfere with the formal nature of the event.
- Guests will not use or possess illegal drugs, consume alcoholic beverages, or smoke any substance in any medium, including electric cigarettes, pipes, portable vaporizers and vape pens, on BIW property.
- Guests will not engage in fighting, throwing objects or attempting to enter the stage or other restricted areas.
- Guests will not bring firearms or weapons; fireworks or flares; radios, sound amplifiers (other than hearing aids), noisemakers, or airhorns; or use laser pointers on BIW property.
- Guests will not bring pets (other than trained service dogs) onto BIW property.
- Guests will not engage in cycling, skating, rollerblading, or skateboarding or similar activities.
- Guests will comply with requests from BIW staff and police and emergency services regarding facility operations and emergency response procedures.
- Guests who do not comply with these rules may be asked to leave the property.
- Guests who do not comply with requests from BIW staff or police/emergency service personnel will be removed from the property.
In consideration of being granted permissive entry onto the premises owned by Bath Iron Works Corporation (“BIW premises”) and the DDG 1002 (“Ship”), GUEST/ BIW EMPLOYEE entering private event [“You”] hereby waive and release BATH IRON WORKS CORPORATION, its owners, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, attorneys, subsidiaries, parent companies, and affiliated companies, successors or assigns [hereinafter “Releasees”] from any and all claims, damages, or causes of action in law or equity of any type, for personal injury, property damage, emotional distress, wrongful death or any other damages, INCLUDING ANY CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF RELEASEES’ OWN NEGLIGENCE, if any, and/or the negligence of any third party, related to or arising out of Your entry onto the BIW premises and/or Ship.
The Parties specifically state that this agreement is intended to expressly spell out with the greatest particularity, the intention of the parties to extinguish all claims for damages against Releasees, INCLUDING ANY INJURIES OR DAMAGES CAUSED BY RELEASEES’ OWN NEGLIGENCE, that You may have now, or which may in the future arise against Releasees or any other person in connection with, or arising out of, Your entry onto the BIW premises and Ship. The Parties agree that this agreement complies with the requirements under Maine law of a complete release of any and all claims and causes of action, including any claims and causes of action for Releasees’ own negligence as recognized by Maine Law.
You acknowledge, understand, and assume all risks relating to Your entry onto the BIW premises and/or Ship. You understand that entry onto the BIW premises and/or Ship involve risk to Your person, including bodily injury, mental or emotional injury, partial or total disability, paralysis, and death, and any damages which may arise therefrom.
In further consideration of being granted permissive entry onto the BIW premises and/or Ship, You agree that upon the filing or assertion of any claim, notice of claim or lawsuit for Your personal injury, property damage, emotional distress or wrongful death or any other damages against Releasees, YOU SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND SAVE HARMLESS RELEASEES FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION BY WHOMEVER OR WHEREVER MADE, INCLUDING ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR RELEASEES’ OWN NEGLIGENCE. You specifically agree that Your duty to defend and indemnify Releasees from any and all claims, including claims for Releasees’ own negligence, shall include a duty to pay all attorney’s fees and litigation costs incurred by Releasees as said fees and costs are incurred.
By Your signature on admission ticket, You acknowledge that You have been provided and have read the above paragraphs and have not relied upon any representations of Releasees. You acknowledge that You have a right to consult an attorney and, in the event You do not consult an attorney, You assume the risk of not consulting an attorney.
In further consideration of being granted permissive entry onto the BIW premises, You agree to comply with all applicable rules and regulations of Bath Iron Works Corporation, including without limitation all rules related to safety, environmental, and security operations and Private Event Guidelines.
You agree and acknowledge that each provision of this agreement is severable from and valid and binding regardless of the validity or invalidity of any other clause or clauses of this agreement. This written agreement contains the entire agreement between You and Releasee. Its terms are contractual and not a mere recital.
You agree that this agreement shall be construed, interpreted, and enforced in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Maine. You submit to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction of the Federal and State courts within the State of Maine for any and all matters involving the interpretation and enforcement of this agreement.
Finally, You state that by entering the private event. You have carefully read the foregoing agreement and know and understand its contents and You have signed the admission ticket as Your own free act and will.